To introduce myself, my name is Zoe. I'm (currently) a third year student at the University of Ottawa, aiming to get my BCom, with an option in International Management. I'm twenty... and trust me, I realize that the older I get, the less I seem to know. I consider myself to be happy, and I love my family. It's not just a cultural thing - though I'm sure it helps. I'm half Chinese and half British, and live with my father and brother within Ottawa as I do my schooling, and I am happy with that. I keep myself occupied with school, extracurriculars, writing, working, and cooking. So why write a blog?

I suppose that as with anything that one does, it's best to begin with a mission statement of sorts. Such as... what is it that I wish to accomplish here? What goals will this help me reach? Where can I go with this? But to start things off, perhaps it's the time to say that I simply... don't mind the answer to any of these questions at the moment. This blog simply is, for the sake of being.

I mean I do have some sense of purpose that I wish to accomplish here. I'd like to put up some of the things I've learned each day, some pictures, maybe even relieve some of my stress by writing out whatever might be frustrating me at the time. It will likely range from restaurant reviews, to comments about movies and politics. It's really meant to be more of a personal outlet, then a tool as a means to an end. I'd like it to be... me, in a sense. In whatever capacity that might entail. But I suppose we'll see how it goes, won't we?

Though it would be good to explain the name I'm using for this blog. 'I Used to Love H.E.R.' is the name of a song by an artist named Common, made popular in 1994. It talked about Common's love for hip-hop, as a music, as a style, as an everything. It was almost as if he personified music, made her real, and really illustrated what it was like to love, truly love, her. It was one of the first songs I remember really loving when I was a kid, six years old, painfully shy, and a completely different person. I remember thinking... is that what love is? Unfaltering, conflicted, and wondrous? I think that was the beginning of something, because it sparked some kind of curiosity in me. But, I really felt that that song, first heard in the basement of my grandmother's house, really meant something to me. That simple wonder existed, that something so simple, so beautiful, so incredibly complicated could, well, mean love. It helped me open up, to begin searching for what made me happy. While I may not know all the answers to that one, essential question quite yet, I can say I've made progress since I was six. The name of the blog itself, 'When I Reminisce Over You, My God' happens to be apart of another one of Common's song, relating to that same love, produced on a record more than 10 years later. Because hey, that's what love is. Enduring, through the good and the bad. And that earns so much respect from me for him as an artist, to know that he's kept true to his roots from where he started.

So! Hopefully this helps to keep me somewhat focused. I guess only time will tell!

- Zoe

About Me

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Toronto, ON, Canada
"Me" is a changing concept. Not because I don't know who I am, but rather I try to be a better person. Believe me when I say I know I don't always get it right. But I'd rather spend my time trying to learn from it then give an empty apology.