Feeling so accomplished today. I did a lot! I managed to go make a series of needed phone calls... and I helped to clear up several paperwork issues to be concluded tomorrow. I feel like I'm in a weird mood, you know? I was all inspired to write and just be earlier, but ended up doing nothing with it. Maybe I'm frustrated. I don't know. I lost all motivation and desire... poof. But I'm sure it'll come back, it always does. I saw a really cool movie tonight though! The Losers, based off of this old DC comic. I enjoyed it a lot, even if the boy I ended up going with wanted me to date him seriously afterwards, which wasn't something I was really down with. I don't know, I'd rather date someone I'm more interested in? Hahaha, how awkward. I'm waiting for inspiration to come hit me again... I got a lot of stuff down on paper yesterday, when I'd finished my last exam. It was beautiful, you know? Knowing that I was 100% done with school. It's both exhilarating and frightening. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it, but it's time to set forth into the world.

Are you ready for me?


Sigh. 2 out of 3 exams are done! I'm feeling a lot more relaxed on that all now, since the worst, the math, is over. Thank god! I don't have to look at math for a while to come!!! I'm SO HAPPY!!! Heehee. Studying was fun too, because I was with R and A and a bunch of other people. It was enjoyable, really... a lot of teasing back and forth, but a good group overall. Summer clique! Well, R and A at least. Though I think it'll be trouble, hahaha, because A likes to make fun of me but in a cool way I guessss... never seen a boy run that fast after insulting me. Good times! Now I just have to find some meaning within everything... haha. And not forget to keep hoping for something brilliant!

Last night was stressful. I appeared at C's all jacked up and nervous for the exam. He sits me down - asks me if I've had anything to drink. I say no and he gets me a glass of water, some cookies, and sleeping medication, telling me that he's going to drive me home ASAP because I was losing touch. And it's true, because when we were reviewing the homework I just picked a fight with him for no reason at all other then the fact that I was strung out from lack of sleep and food, and just couldn't relax. I was just stressed... but I went home and followed his advice as best I could, though I ended up worrying about J for a couple hours before bed because of a fight that sparked and resolved, bright, then dark. This is life, and so it goes...

So yesterday I was in the student lounge with R studying away. In the end, though, we ended up watching Gorillaz videos on my laptop, and debating the rise and fall of their artwork, music style, and the people who collaborate with them. Robot Noodle's cool I guess, but the new personality they gave her annoys me. But that said, there's something so beautiful about the videowork they put in, and the style of music. I love that Mos Def is on their new single... I love that they had to be badass and have Bruce Willas chasing them down in a car, Deathproof style. I love the homage paid by them in all their songs to so many of the little abstract things I love!

So with exams ending so soon, I've been getting my ass onto finding another job. It's necessary! I applied to 20 different ones today. I want to do more customer relations or sales stuff... I love it! Because I get to be energetic and social, and that's what I like doing best. I've been talking to S about all her job searching, and she's stressing me out a little bit. But now she's given up, I think, she isn't really giving me the whole story on it, but she's going to start her own marketing company. I wish her all the luck! And I'm hoping I'll be able to watch and learn from her experience in it all.

XEPY's Pandora Disk album was finally made available!!! I love it... oh my god I love it... J showed it to me the night leading into my International Accounting class, and I was just so incredibly in love with the song G.O. with Maslo, Vasco and K.Jun. I've been listening to it on my walks over the bridge to get to C's house at night, and it kind of puts me more at ease. Happy house beat, energetic, club mix kinda jam. It's getting me in the mood for summer - more then the weather, I have to say.

Dumbfounded, Jay Park and Clara Chung released their new single together! I actually quite like it, and I'm dying to see it done love... you have to peep it if you can, because this shit's real! Haha, though is it bad I'm more excited to see Kero One at the concert? =x I'm definitely willing to scream "I tried to find your record label in San Franciscoooo, I LOVE YOU!!!" because yes, his music was a cornerstone to my Hong Kong experience. Me and S just sitting in our room listening to 'In All The Wrong Places', because I loved Kero One and she loved a boy who loved Kero One. Fun times. Fun... but in the meantime, check out 'Clouds'!


It is official - I've hit the wall. Days of studying, very little sleep, and very little chance to be extend my creative outlet have left me embittered and unable to study. I'm tired. But I can't sleep, because there is so much to do. I want to think that I can do it all: I want to be that Superwoman. But I'm literally run into the ground, and there's so much to do and so much to accomplish. But I sigh... find focus. And continue on.

On a lighter note, I will be going to the upcoming AOM concert in Seattle on May 30! It's my graduation gift to myself. I'm really excited... and I'm praying my order comes in before then so that I can pass along my gift to J. Hee... What good and unexpected timing!

A little inspiration:


Sunday, oh Sunday.

I'm listening to one of the best remixes to Musiq Soulchild's Just Friends right now. Loving it. I woke up late today after spending the whole night and morning talking to both J and the new boy (maybe new boy?) B. Those 7 am crash outs are always fun to deal with, hahaha. I'm slowly making progress with my studying but feeling so stuck on it all. Sigh. Goal. Read one more chapter. Start accounting. I can do it! Tomorrow I'll review slides from work for Cross Cultural Management. I can do it!

Hahaa, I hate to start with a little hate, but really, I want to send a big EFF YOU R!!! Wow, I mean... I already lost a lot of respect for you prior to today. Not only did you drop off the face of the planet after cheating on your ex boyfriend for the boy you're currently screwing and NOT dating (after how long now?), the boy you screwed within the day of meeting and then proceeded to lie about hooking up with to me for four months, but you're going to blame your current hiatus on me? Weak man, weak. Saying you're 'afraid' to talk to me and you want me to 'chill out' when you haven't talked to me in a month is really lame. Especially since you ditched to go write what kind of is akin to non-stop porn with some other people, even abandoning little R. That's cold. Really cold. Really, you need to stop blaming the world for your bad decisions, and look to yourself. Something is wrong. Wrong. And I really ain't all that interested in the shit talking you've been doing lately, because I'm an adult and I will have an adult conversation with you if you so choose. Otherwise, suck it, girl. I'm not interested in the high school drama you're trying to raise with me.

As the end of exams creep up, I'm left wondering - what to do with the free time that's soon about to stir me? I've got several things I'd like to do. Start going to the gym everyday, pick through my music files and get rid of the crap I no longer listen to, start improving my Mandarin, start being more social again. Not that I haven't been, it's just that around exams I become very hermit-like in my habits, only really venturing out of the house to go grocery shopping and to go to work and exams themselves. Things I must soon invest in: the repayments of my credit cards, the repayments of my OSAP, my internship fees, gym membership, tickets to go to New York, and tickets to go to Seattle. With the potential advent of S moving with me to Shanghai, I don't think I need to go back to California. Therefore, seeing C is of higher priority, as well as M. I'm scared. I don't know where I'm going to find this money... but I'm praying my mom might pull through with some kind of "present" along the lines of the 21st birthday gift she gave me when I went to Hong Kong. Relief would be nice... but it's hard for a girl when there's so much to buy! Thankfully, I'm done with clothing shopping and of the like for a while. Time to really buckle down... how unfun!

I hate being ill, because it drains me of all energy and will to accomplish anything. I'm tired, I lack hunger, and I'm very listless... and Sunday television sucks. I had a bowl of my soup and a bowl of cereal, an exact replication of my total meals yesterday, and likely this sentiment will carry onto tomorrow. Exams are closing in... and I don't know how prepared I am, despite the massive amounts of reading that I am doing. Will it help? Am I wasting my time? Sigh. Tomorrow, I must drop by C's house and pick up the textbook from him so that I may get a closer interaction with the accounting standards work that I'll be forced to go through for my Thursday exam. It can be done! Just another week and I'm done with all of this.



I'm laughing. Last night was pretty nice, actually. After the night, after I'd long ago given up the theory contained in my textbooks and slide shows, I was Skyping until the disgusting hours of the morning with S. Girl really does got her head on straight, I promise you that. We're always laughing. Complaining about boys. Feeling a little bit broken. She's one of the rare few girls in which I truly get along with... but I think it's because she and I were both raised on a steady diet of boys, and their laid back attitude. We were looking for jobs and debating the meaning of growing up. About the things we have to give up in order to accomplish our dreams. Really, as I said to J a week ago, I think I'd honestly be happiest ifI were on a couch in some basement studio, listening to people create visionary hip-hop. I've seen the cheap B-movie version of it from the times I've flitted through Scarborough, with boys that front like they were men, but I'm looking for the realness that they lacked. One day, one day.

Around 11 pm last night, C tells me that she's heard a friend of hers has committed suicide. His last update on Facebook is the line from a movie, "I don't think I can make it to the party". It's both insipid and beautiful, splendid in its selfish statement of intellectual superiority. They were close... had talked within the last 2 days, no less. I'm praying for her, in the limited way I know how. I know it's a horrible blow, and it feels so far away from me... maybe that's callus of me. I haven't had someone close to me die in quite a while. The last one was for my great grandmother, 98, memory lost to too many sad sights and happy births. It lead to so many things, that funeral. I think you can really only take what life you can from the deaths of others...

DEFINITELY was super lame today and decided to apologize to J in the form of a playlist. I don't know, I find something deeply lovely in that. Like a quote I'm fully stealing from Audible Mainframe's song, Redwine & Xanex, if only I could say the words that I played for you in that last song. I'm a pretty articulate individual, but sometimes it's hard when you know the reason why you're not talking now is no longer you, or them, but rather the nature of the other human being. What to do? I'm fine with it. Understanding is more then half the battle. And at this point, I know how J can be. I'm not made angry or hurt by it... it's just how she is sometimes. I hope she likes it though! It took forever to upload the songs onto a host so that they could be sorted into Mixpod. Bloody thing has such a limited music database. I enjoyed it none-the-less, and it was a welcome distraction from my textbooks. Finished the last of chapter 7 slides for accounting and I've read chapter 6 of fixed income, and 7 and 10 are to follow! Then I'll settle with watching the movie I didn't get to watch last night. Sigh. Nice night planned!

So I got sick after all. Staying up late does that to a person. I've spent the day sleeping and made some homemade chicken soup, which I found particularly comforting. I have a feeling that will be the staple of my diet while living away, because I find it the food that best puts me at ease. Plus it's pretty easy to make! Really, you just need ginger, a whole chicken, rice, and pepper. So simple, but so good. And pretty healthy too! I'm working out a bit today and tonight again, trying to remind my body of activity. Going to look into signing up at the gym once exams are done. Must get back in shape, must get back in shape...

The movie was incredible. I haven't seen something that good in so long. Truly a fantastic film, and I cannot believe that it wasn't released commercially. Well I can, and I can't, because it's a very artistic film, and not exactly a popular one. I saw acting talent, however, in a lot of actors and actresses that I thought didn't have any of it. Very impressed. It was all poetry and vision, and I wish I had the time to watch more movies like this. It reminds me of when I used to dedicate my time to a boy, him and I, and we would sit on this couch and watch endless movies, only interrupted by personal needs. Beautiful... I'm so impressed.

Boys are crazy! I wonder why they think I want to hear things about how they're still into their exs. Now I wonder if I was like that in the post-P period. I think it's silly. These are private things that are better discussed in person rather then msn... I have a feeling the date we're going to have is going to be horrid.

Still can't let go of this song... it's a huge reason why CYNE definitely is the top favourite amongst the underground hip-hop scene. Last time they toured was over a year ago... I'm honestly crossing my fingers that they play a show soon. I will so drop everything to fly down to see them. Being able to see this kind of creativity up close and personal would be soul-completing.


Long day... long long day. Wake up in the morning, and I've begun to feel as if already, things are at a standstill, that sense in which things have become routine, and in this, I am made extremely unhappy with this. Why? Because I don't like feeling as if I've become rooted down. I want to be made uncomfortable, to push my boundaries. There's so much I want to do... that I want to accomplish, and I feel as if it's not possible here. The present of this place seems to drag you down, and I doubt my happiness here. Not that I'm sad, or down, or depressed. Just contemplative of my future. I am graduating, after all. The adult world awaits: and the prospect of it is both frightening and exciting. I hope Stephanie follows through. It'd be nice to have a friend in Shanghai with me. The idea of having nobody that I know while I'm there... scares me. Secretly. A lot.

I fought with J last night. Why? She's seeming distant, and it upsets me a little. Why? Well... I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm being bitter with her because I'm resentful that she isn't posting, and it's like, well damn girl, didn't you bust up on my ass to post ASAP, then said "I hope you won't try to get back at me for not posting in a while by taking a week"? Then have proceeded to write nothing in a week? Sigh. I mean, I get it. School, life, whatever. But it's so disparaging to hear that she's going to work on it and then nothing at all gets done. So last night I might have crossed the line because she was being so quiet with me, but at the same time, I felt like something had to be said about it. I chose my words poorly though. Sometimes, you misfire. And I didn't provide the quiet kill, no, I made it messy, and now I'm left thinking she's made embittered by my comment and will ignore me for a while. But as I said in my conversation with L on the matter, sometimes that's how things go. That, too, is life.

I don't understand my father. Why he has to be so utterly disparaging about my internship opportunity. He tells me, "Why can't you just work with an organization in Ottawa, why can't you just stay with one that will give you travelling opportunities?". I come to him earlier today with news that my friend C got a job with Export Development Canada. I'm really happy for him. My father only looks at me saying "Well he'll be making more for you, and will have a chance to travel" and he proceeds to say that I'll be paid shit, and treated just the same while on my internship. And it's like... he hasn't listened to anything I plan to learn from this. I want to go forward, I want to know that I'll have the opportunity, and I need to do it while I'm young enough to be adventurous and fearless. I don't want to find a job here and just... settle. The nightmare of it consumes me. I don't think he understands how hurtful his comments are, and how they only serve to push me further away.

Listening to a lot of hip-hop lately. Miss that feel, to be honest. There's something about those underground artists that sample the classics, jazz, soul, and I'm left a little breathless by the poetry and soliloquy presented to me. I feel so inferior in comparison in terms of skill. I often quote the lyrics when I write, because I feel their turn of phrases unloved, and I want to put it into some arena where at least someone will read them. Who knows if they are? It's more for me then anything. That's selfish but... that's why I write. Though I'm scared I'm losing my flair for it. C's up and writing again. She's so... fantastic. I don't think she understands the depth of it. Talking to her again makes me feel like the adult that I always pretend that I am. Actually feel it. She's an adult in a sense that always left me envious. I could never believe she was only a year older then me. Last night was interesting, we had a very in depth conversation, some exerts being:

C : the trick is not to overthink it
C : or let the fear carve out a permanent place
Z : i refuse to let it
Z : so even if i feel i'm not ready, i plan to approach my career the same way i appraoched losing my virginity - with a brave face, faking as if i know what to do until it feels right
C : hahahaha!
C : that is how life should be handled i feel

I'm feeling a little ill. Stood outside in the cold for quite a long time today. I ate well - eggs (breakfast and dinner), an apple, banana, a little lean cuisine frozen lunch, and shrimp with soy sauce. I'm going to curl up and watch New York, I Love You in the early hours of my morning, after a nap and an injection of caffeine to help nurse me through the midnight hours so that I can study a little longer, push myself a little further. I'll work out a bit, make some tea, and keep going. Exams start next Thursday... I don't want to write them. I'm feeling quite broke, but I'll keep moving, and keep working. Hopefully my schedule will change for the better for work once exams are over. I'll be crossing my fingers. I leave off with a song I found from DJ Shinin' Stone, with Maslo and Keyreal. Love it!


Oh, there was something beautiful found in the darkness of the world we created. One of blankets and soft sighs. The way your hands would smooth over bare skin and along my cheek. Something magical in how you would slide between the sheets in the morning, a soft and mumbled hello, a kiss to my temple as you drifted into sleep beside me. Limbs tangled, reverie found, and we would abandon consciousness in the early hours of the morning, letting the sun and its followers live a life in the outside world: we would just maintain our handfuls of peace. Despite all you've done, those moments remain with me still, and I'll always smile.

I miss those snapshots of the life I once had.

But I do not miss the man.

I wonder if this is what they call 'growing up'?



Feeling kind of "oh my god" about life lately. Graduating in a month, and exams are coming up! Holy shit, right? There's only three, but I really have to get studying soon. It's just that the will to do so is nearly zero in me, I don't know. I should be focusing and really bringing it together. But I feel like I almost have 'tomorrow' syndrome because it's just like with these other internal promises I keep making with myself. I put it off longer and longer. But tonight I'm going to sit down and do a serious session between me and my slideshow notes. Then next with the textbook. The only person who can make things start is me! Tomorrow I'll hit up the gym as well, because I've been dying to do so. Also I'll try signing up with GoodLife as well for next month since my student gym coverage will run out. Sadface. But life's gotta get in order, and it's a serious investment of time and effort. Going to be an interesting time for sure.... for... sure...

Currently Skyping with S at the same time. She's all saying she wants to try to get into Shanghai with me now. How amazing would that be? It'll be me, and her, back in our Hong Kong days of fun, work, and leisurely taking life. We're discussing the growing up experience. We both seem out of it, tired, and utterly able to relate, and its times like this that I know for sure that I love her. Sigh.

Must also find another job soon! I've got to get more moneyyyy!!! I've started applying but I know now is the worst time to find a job. God. And I have a horrible suspicion that I'm about to lose a shift at work because summer is coming. Aiiiish, cannot afford to do! Need gym membership, AIESEC fees, dental... so much to do, so little money. Things are going to get better though, I'll make sure of it.

I saw a movie last night. Pirate Radio. The best visual from that movie was when the boat was sinking, and there was just an array of vinyl albums just floating in masses... really beautiful stuff, actually. It was a sense of loss that I could understand in how the man that was swimming through it all, trying to clutch to his favourite albums, would want to risk life and limb for such a thing. His music was an essential extension of himself - he couldn't let those things simply go to waste. It was more then the physical possession of the album, it was all that it made him feel, all that made him realize what life was. And... yah. I loved that scene. Great movie, I felt it helped communicate that love for music even if the music they loved wasn't my style at all.

On a happy note though, one of my favourite groups, B2ST, just released a new MV today! It's for the song Say No. I loved it... and the MV is just beautiful, really. Eeee, I was so excited to watch it!!! Junhyung = definite sense of love. Heehee, excuse me while I fangirl the fuck out.


So it seems as if I haven't updated in forever... and it just got pointed out to me.

Not really because of any reason: Life simply got busy. Then blogging fell onto the back burner as life moved forwards. Things have really been wonderful and exciting for me on many different levels, and I really couldn't describe it all. Nor do I really want to... haha, look to the future, after all! But it's a good exercise of soul simply to write a little more then my usual ridiculous amounts of fiction that I manage to put out on the weekly (all thanks to my lovely J, whom I cannot wait to see again!). Writing about the angst and tragic loves of others if fun, when you feel your own life is a little mundane. But I have a feeling my summer will be an exciting one.

As usual, boys seem to flit back into my life, both of the friendship and romantic variety. It's cool, I guess, but ill-timed. I just found out that I've been accepted on internship with AIESEC. I'm absolutely excited beyond belief. I've been assured that it will be quite easy to be placed in China, and of course I'm gunning for Shanghai. I'm graduating this semester... and I think that scary step will be blunted by the move to a new country. I'm also hoping to be posted for a year. Learn Mandarin. See the world. Find myself. It'll be fantastic, and I need to shake the sense of apathy that's gripped me since my return to Canada. I'm planning after that to apply for a year in Seoul. Learn Korean. Live with J for a bit, since she's on her way to transferring schools there. I mean... life seems so in place right now. I know plans change, don't work out, etc. But I want to be flexible, and think there's something to look forwards to. No harm, right?

Music scene is poppin' right now. I'm tripping on that harmony reminiscent, and J and I are plowing through massive amounts of underground k-rap and k-conscious to discover some fantastic finds. Right now, I'm really feeling CSP and Maslo. Blame her. They're fantastic, and Maslo is exactly my kind of style of music. Oh my god... the samples he's throwing into his tracks have me literally SHIVERING at times. And it just reminds me again how much, once upon a time, all I wanted to do was get into music. Dreams, gone. But it's alright. I'm happy with how things are at present, and hey, who knows what will happen later in life? Hahaha, from checking over blogs now, I see that S is really feeling Epik High, and if you're reading this, I knew you'd catch onto Over. Theme song to our lives, man, theme song to our lives. That album really committed murder on my soul... hahaha, crying over Skype with J as we listened to it song by song together. Those are the moments that help define, I think.

On the subject of music, am I the only one disappointed by the new Hyori MV? I mean... I really liked the concept photos that were coming out from her, even if they were too Lady Gaga-esque. Then she came out with that one with the chains, and I was thinking 'YES, Hyori's going back to the hip-hop phase' and she just... flailed. I don't know. I need to give H-Logic a good listen to first because I managed to find the leaked album before I give it my final judgment, but maybe I was just hoping for a continuation of what she started with It's Hyorish. U-Go-Girl and Hey, Mr Big were beastly, and I loved the look she had there. We'll see... as always, I wish her success though! The woman deserves it.

I guess I'll try to update a bit on how things have been in the past... 6 months. So much to cover! But hey, life ain't nothin' but time. Shout outs to T, because I miss you, and I'm praying that you're safe in Thailand right now. The mother in me is screaming, please, don't go out at night. And that I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.

About Me

My photo
Toronto, ON, Canada
"Me" is a changing concept. Not because I don't know who I am, but rather I try to be a better person. Believe me when I say I know I don't always get it right. But I'd rather spend my time trying to learn from it then give an empty apology.