It's really been a bit of a whirlwind. Exams are over and I'm left able to relax for my whole weekend, since I'm home in Toronto for a bit. It's actually quite nice! I'm considering finding a summer job here, because it'd be all right for the first time in a while. I get along with my mom and her husband, the house is close to downtown, and frankly, there's more opportunity to work. Sigh. We'll see how things go, but so far it's very tempting. I think it helps that all I've done on arrival is get my nails done, and sleep, and watch crime dramas on loop. It's fantastic! I haven't been able to take a break like this in months, almost. Though I fear I'm overeating - my mom keeps endless snacks here and I've got to practice better self control.
So the plans for this week are quite nice. Toby's birthday dinner will be Monday, since Lee was utterly booked for Friday and Saturday. I'm excited, I love the food there, and I always feel a little star-stunned eating there. I'm hoping they have the same sticky rice and coconut milk dessert as there was last time! You couldn't imagine how hard it was to find that in Asia... but this will be nice to do, for him and only him, because hey, you only turn 20 once. I hope he enjoys it! I made the booking on my own, but hopefully it works.
I'm hoping to buy a few new books tomorrow! I miss reading, and now I've time to catch up. I'm thinking of the new Jeff Lindsey book, and see what else might catch my eye - it's time that I refresh my writing style a bit. Not that it's suffering too horrible, J got a sample of what I've been working on lately, and she said it was the best she'd read from me... which was really, honestly, nice to hear. I spent a lot of today hand coding a piece of an application for one of our websites and I was really really pleased with the outcome. I sourced some of it from a website, then coded the rest of it out, and I'm really happy with it! I'm learning a bit better on how to do things, which was a great realization because S is telling me that she's got some work for me to do in LA if I've got the time... which is all I have right now. Strides forward? I'm hoping so.
That restless feeling hasn't really left me. Admittedly, I feel a bit better on it all but generally, I feel quite stressed for some reason. I'm doing all I can to find some sense of purpose right now, and it's quite a... different place to be in. I don't know how to explain it, but C said it's the awkward hatching of student to adult. I'm sure I'll be fine, but at the moment I'm horrified, haha! I'll be seeing A on Monday, and hopefully she'll be sharing this with me so that we can be freaked out together.
Here's a look at one of the commercials I thought really hit it... amazing, Adidas, you really proved yourself.